Kotak Pencarian

Jumat, 25 November 2011

[Foto] Orang Madura

Kamera: Canon EOS 500D
Dimensi: 2376 X 1584 (Compressed)
Waktu: 11 September 2011 14.33
Model: One Of my Family, his name is Juheri
Edit: No


This is one of my photograph, describing one man which facing up my borrowed camera. I used my brother camera. It takes when in Indonesian wedding party*actually this is not a party.

I shot the face with pointing the face as point of interest. I dont edit it. So, what is the point of this pic. I label this photo with "Indonesian Face", this man, is one from Madura that stayed in Banjarmasin. So, you may call this tittle with "Madurian Face" Its up to you.

Thank you for watching ^_^